Our Team
Richard Zavlyanov
Principal - Head of Development
Richard Zavlyanov has a degree in business administration from Queens borough community college and continuing
education of Real Estate Development from Baruch college.
Richard Zavlyanov's past experience has been working closely with developers such as Bizzi & Partners
Development, Extell development, Aronov development and lastly AFI USA. With a four year background in brokering also edges the company to an advantage allowing him to transact with his license.
Diamond Dev Group LLC portfolios remained positive during one of the worst known economic times of New York (Covid 19)
and was carefully planned by Richard Zavlyanov. His involvement in construction in Diamond Dev Group's early projects
helped them turn over and positively earn cash flow through rehabbed properties. Project management and acquisitions is
one of the specialties of Richard's extensive resume which allows them to micro manage every aspect of the portfolio.
Robert Nasimov
Structural Engineer - Head of Engineering
Robert Nasimov has a masters degree in Civil/Structural engineering from Polytechnic University since 1994. Since then he
has been a part of a wide range of projects scaling from Hi- Rise to industrial properties over 150,000 square feet.
Physically on the job site helps manage day to day review of constructional plans, field inspections, and maintain the correct
schedule for each project. Robert's unique skill set assists every project to be ahead of its schedule and efficiently productive
from beginning to completion. Every step carefully planned including architectural/ building design, structural design/analysis,
Steel/Concrete design, testing and Maririals analysis and more.
With over 20 years of experience in the U.S. and a staff of 15 people Robert's hands-on experience is unparalleled with a
calming touch of professionalism.
Lev Zavlyanov
Chief Operating Officer - Managing Partner
With an experience of custom building some of the most luxurious homes Lev has a creative touch and design to all of our projects.
Managing partner involved with all of our financial operating decisions & acquisitions.
Serge Davydov
Chief Financial Officer - Operating Partner
Serge has over five years of micro management of custom home building and design. From Acquisitions all the through Certificate of occupancy Serges super organizational skills have expedited all projects.
Capitalizing on the company's finances and balance sheets makes him an exceptional CFO.